
The Greek island of Milos is loved by tourists. But not only. It is also a place rich in mineral resources. Moreover: Milos, situated in the middle of the Aegean Sea, has always been a fortress. On the remains of a battlement built by the Germans seventy years ago, located opposite the mines of Trachila, the German director Helena Waldmann develops Landscape Theatre. Whatever happens, every single movement “on stage”, creates a meaning as long as it creates a new movement: counter-streams, turbulences, entropy.

“Landscape Theatre not only offers the audience a magnificent 360° panoramic view, but also plays with the constantly changing circumstances. The unexpected in nature creates a powerful narrative. The spectators are in motion, exploring the landscape, where everything is in move and nothing remains stable.” (Helena Waldamann, director)

“There is a surprising similarity between the Greek amphitheatres and the mining construction sites on Milos island. It is through human intervention that nature turns into a multi-face landscape. We constantly try to transform it. And with every little change, nature’s behaviour also changes.” (Ioanna Valsamidou, dramaturge)

Production Credits

Direction: Helena Waldmann Dramaturgy: Ioanna Valsamidou Artistic Collaboration: Arnd Wesemann Coordination & Dance: Filio Louvari Creation of the Sounding Hat: Lauren Steel Production Assistance: Stelios Zoulias Photography & Video: Pantelis Kountourakis Organisation: International Dance & Theatre Center of Milos With the voluntarily participation of: Manousos Xidous, Dimitris Tsipras
Sponsoring: TANZPAKT RECONNECT Kind Support: IMERYS S.A.

*Helena Waldmann

Arnd Wesemann

Pantelis Kountourakis

Audiovisual material

Helena Waldmann by Tina Ruisinger